10 countries in our summer piggybank.

10 countries in our summer piggybank.

I would like to congratulate everyone on the 1st of September and the beginning of autumn, which never prevents us from prolonging the summer if we want to! I wish all our children a great start to the new school year!

We had an exceptional calendar summer! 10 countries and almost 40 flights! This is the longest #affluence_expedition in the Club's history! Let me remind you that we are planning to launch a new product next month, a separate issue of the magazine, which will include all the discoveries of the reporting three months, stories about only the best hotels and restaurants and activities, ideas of expertly prepared travel programs! I'm looking forward to presenting it to you! It’ll become a regular feature!

August's #affluence_expedition covered Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Hainan, Chengdu, Hong Kong and Macau. We also visited 3 hotels in the Maldives, including Joali and Joali Being, and took a refreshing look at D-Maris (Turkey, Dalaman).

In September, we will be attending two key trade shows in Moscow, a major exhibition in London and the annual Monaco Yacht Show. We also plan to carry out renewal inspections of hotels in Moscow and Verba Mayer.

My team and I are delighted that our great expedition to Bali has been heralded by the opening of the long-awaited Aeroflot flight from Moscow and we are already working out the programs for your unique travels!

Glad to be your attorneys!